MBOZI Nursery School
The Little School That Could
ABC & 123
Most nursery schools in Tanzania don't teach any curriculum. Instead, the children are simply watched over by adults until their parents come to get them.
​Our nursery schools are different. At our Mbozi Nursery School in southwest Tanzania, for example, we teach the ABC's, counting, easy English, and more.
Care & Love
Learning isn't everything, though. Kids need love, care, and play. Don't worry; our students receive plenty of love, daily porridge, medical insurance, and happy days filled with play!
How does the self-sustaining model work? Simple. Parents in the community are impressed with the teaching, love, and care that our school provides. They pay to send their children there. Tuition funds the entire operational costs of the school, plus the care and schooling of all the orphan students.
The Mbozi Nursery School is a model of self-sustainability!
And that's not all. The leftover funds also supplement the Chimbuya Nursery School, located not too far away.