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Effective August 1, 2024

Orphans Africa created this Privacy Notice in respect for your privacy preferences and to disclose our information collection and sharing practices.

This Privacy Notice explains how Orphans Africa (“we” or “us”) collects and processes your Personal Data. Each time you use our Site, the current version of the Privacy Notice will apply. Accordingly, whenever you use our Site, you should check the date of this Privacy Notice (which appears at the top) and review any changes since the last version. This Privacy Notice is applicable to all site visitors, registered users, and all other users of our Site.

“Personal Data” is any information that enables us to identify you, directly or indirectly, by reference to any identifiers such as your name, identification number, location data, online identifier or one or more factors specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

By visiting (the “Site”), you acknowledge that you have read and understood the processes and policies referred to in this Privacy Notice and consent to our data collection, use, sharing and processing practices as set forth in this Privacy Notice. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy as needed.

The Personal Information We Collect:
Depending on the type of communication or transaction, we may collect and process the following the personal data:
•    name
•    gender
•    date of birth
•    postal address
•    telephone numbers
•    organization name
•    email address
•    credit card, bank information or billing information.
On each of your visits to the Site we will automatically collect the following information:
•    technical information
•    information about your visit
•    location information.
Personal data we collect from others – this is information we receive about you if you use any of the other websites (operated by us, or another member of our group) or use any other services provided by another member of our group or us.

Non-personal data: We may collect information that is sent to us automatically by your web browser and we may use this information to generate aggregate statistics about visitors to our Site, including, without limitation:
•    IP addresses
•    Browser type and plug-in details
•    Device type (e.g. Desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, etc.)
•    Operating system
•    Local time zone

We may use Non-personal Data for various business purposes such as providing customer service, fraud prevention, market research, and improving our Site. Please check your web browser if you want to learn what information your browser sends or how to change your settings.

We may also collect and process information about your interactions with us, including details about our contacts with you through email, SMS, U.S.P.S., on the phone or in person (i.e., the date, time, and method of contact), details about donations you make to us, events or activities that you register for or attend and any other support you provide to us.  

How We Use Your Personal Data:
We will only process your Personal Data including sharing it with third parties, where (1) you have provided your consent which can be withdrawn at any time, (2) the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party, (3) we are required by law, (4) processing is required to protect your vital interests or those of another person, (5) processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate commercial interests, except where such interests are overridden by your rights and interests.

We may use Personal Data for the following purposes:

Personal Data you give to us. We will use this Personal Data:
•    To carry out our obligations arising from your sponsorship, donations, or any other contract entered between you and us and to provide you with the information, products and/or services that you request from us.
•    To provide you with information about our work or our activities.
•    To fundraise in accordance with our internal policies and procedures.
•    To organize events that you have registered for, and to provide you with information, and other materials, relating to the content of the event, the speakers, sponsors and other attendees.
•    To process donations, sponsorships and purchases from our Gift Catalog(s).
•    To provide our newsletters and publications, provided you have given your consent.
•    To respond to your questions and provide related services.
•    To provide you with information about other events, products and services we offer that are like those that you have already purchased or attended, provided you have not opted-out of receiving that information.
•    To provide you, or permit selected third parties to provide you, with information about events, products or services we feel may interest you, provided you have given your consent.
•    To ensure that content from our Site is presented most effectively for you and your computer.
•    Where we are required by law to disclose or otherwise use your information.

Information we collect about you. We will use this Personal Data:
•    To administer our Site and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes.
•    If you donate, we will use this Personal Data to create an account for you in our database where we can securely access your donation history.
•    To improve our Site to ensure that content is presented most effectively for you and your computer.
•    As part of our efforts to keep our Site safe and secure.
•    To measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you, and
•    To make suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of our Site about goods or services that may interest you or them.

Personal Data we receive from other sources:
•    We will combine this information with the information you give us and information we collect about you. We will use this information and the combined Personal Data for the purposes set out above.

We Do Not Knowingly Collect Information From Children:
We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 18 or knowingly allow such people to provide us with their personal information without verifiable parent or guardian consent. If you are under 18, do not send any information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone numbers, or email address, unless you have your parent's or guardian's permission. In the event we learn that we collected personal information from anyone under the age of 18, and do not have a parent or guardian's consent, we will delete that information as quickly as possible.

In accordance with certain state laws, minors under the age of 18 may remove or request and obtain removal of content and information that they post on the Site.

If you believe that we might have any information from or about anyone under the age of 18, or if you wish to remove or request and obtain removal of content and information, please contact us at or call us at 253-252-3544.

Information Security:
All online transactions are done on a secure server. This means that information entered on the transaction page is encrypted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) before transmission. On secure pages, a "closed" lock symbol is displayed in the bottom part of your browser screen and the website address in the address bar at the top of the browser screen starts with an "https" instead of an "http". 

Orphans Africa May Share Your Personal Information:
We may share your Personal Data for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice with:
•    With a member of our group.
•    Trusted third-party companies and individuals.
•    Credit Card Transactions, Electronic Fund Transfers, Payments by Check or Money Order and Online Financial Transactions. Orphans Africa hires third parties to provide credit card, bank, payment and information processing services and order fulfillment services. If you choose to donate online, by phone, through the mail or by other means, or make a purchase from our Gift Catalog(s) we will share your personal information with our processing service providers.
•    Analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimization of our Site.
•    If legally required.

You May Always Change Your Privacy Preferences by Contacting Us:
If you would like to change your privacy preferences, please email us at or call us at 253-252-3544. 

How Long We Store Your Personal Data:
We will store your Personal Data, in a form which permits us to identify you, for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which the Personal Data is processed. We may retain and use your Personal Data as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements and rights, or if it is not technically reasonably feasible to remove it. Consistent with these requirements, we will try to delete your Personal Data quickly upon request.

Website Links:
To provide certain services at our website, we may contract with other companies and individuals. These additional services and goods may include links to other websites from our website. Orphans Africa's privacy practices may not be applicable at any third-party sites. Anytime you leave the Orphans Africa website, we have no control regarding what information may be collected about you, nor do we control what third-parties might do with the information. This third-party website should have its own privacy statement applying to transactions at their website. It is important that you review any privacy policies on third-party sites carefully, BEFORE you use any services or programs offered.
1. By subscribing to Orphans Africa mobile alerts, the user consents to receive recurring text messages from Orphans Africa (48188) and phone calls with opportunities to donate and ways to engage in our mission to support children around the world.
2. There is no fee from Orphans Africa to receive text messages. Message and data rates from your mobile service provider may apply—this can be checked with your mobile service provider. 
3. Data obtained from you in connection with this SMS service may include your mobile phone number, your carrier’s name and the date, time and content of your messages. We may use this information to contact you and provide the services you request from us. 
4. Orphans Africa will not be liable for any delays in the receipt of any SMS message as delivery is subject to effective transmission from your network operator.
5. If you have any questions, text HELP to the number you received a text message from or contact us at 1-253-252-3544. To stop receiving messages reply STOP.

Contacting Orphans Africa About Privacy Preferences:
If any of the information that we have about you is incorrect, or you wish to have information (including Personal Data) removed from our records, please contact us via one of the methods listed below.

Additionally, if you prefer not to receive marketing messages from us, please let us know by clicking on the unsubscribe link within any marketing message that you receive, or by contacting us:

Orphans Africa
2612 North 8th Street
Tacoma, WA  98406-7207
Phone:  253-252-3544

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